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The Height of Callousness唱片名
Previouslyhehad beeninclinedtodetachhimselffrom theplightofvictims of tragedy, not out of callousnessbut a sort of incuriosity.
TheissueofcallousnesshasbecomeaviraltopicofdiscussioninChinasincethehit-and-runlast monthinGuangdong province.
Ifwefollow themarine's course --- of morecallousnessandaggressionandracist contempt -- theremainingscrapsofal Qaedamayyetrevivewithnewrage-recruits.
CallousnessCallousnessCallousnessThe callousness pathway to severe violent delinquencyPornography, sexual callousness, and the trivialization of rape.The callousness pathway to severe violent delinquency. Aggressive Behavior, 32(6), 590-598INTERPERSONAL CALLOUSNESS TRAJECTORIES ACROSS ADOLESCENCE: Early Social Influences and Adult OutcomesNeurobiology of Empathy and Callousness: Implications for the Development of Antisocial BehaviorSympathy and callousness: The impact of deliberative thought on donations to identifiable and statistical victims.Adolescent Conduct Disorder and Interpersonal Callousness as Predictors of Psychopathy in Young AdultsMeasuring Interpersonal Callousness in Boys From Childhood to Adolescence: An Examination of Longitudinal Invariance and Temporal St...Interpersonal callousness, hyperactivity/impulsivity, inattention, and conduct problems as precursors to delinquency persistence in ...Adolescent Conduct Disorder and Interpersonal Callousness as Predictors of Psychopathy in Young Adults. Journal of Clinical Child & ...