On the use of a mixture of spirit of wine and camphine, as a light for optical purposesXXXI. On the use of a mixture of spirit of wine and camphine, as a light for optical purposesOn the use of a mixture of Spirit of Wine and Camphine, as a Light for Optical Purposes / by John George Children[Syntheses in the isocamphine series. VI. (+) and (-) Isocamphenilanic acid]Prüfung von Camphinelampen in Vergleich mit Gas, Oel und WachsObservations on the above planet, made in the United States, at the Philadelphia high school, state of PennsylvaniaEffect of amino acids application and different water regimes on the growth and volatile oil of Rosmarinus officinalis L. plant unde...Prüfung von Camphinelampen in Vergleich mit Gas, Oel und WachsPrüfung von Camphinelampen in Vergleich mit Gas, Oel und Wachs (p 314-317)ASPHALT PAVEMENT RECYCLING METHOD AND COMPOSITIONS