- Jacob and his family in Canaan had no food to eat, either.
在迦南的雅各一家人也没有东西吃。 - When this happened Abram had been in Canaan for ten years.
Crossing over to Canaan: The Journey of New Teachers in Diverse Classrooms. The Jossey-Bass Education Series.
Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in ancient times
The Social Response to Environmental Change in Early Bronze Age Canaan
Molecular archaeology: Export of Dead Sea asphalt to Canaan and Egypt in the Chalcolithic-Early Bronze Age (4th-3rd millennium BC)
A Response to Anson Rainey's "Remarks on Donald Redford's Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times"
Common Culture: Symbolic Work at Play in the Everday Cultures of the Young. by Paul Willis; Simon Jones; Joyce Canaan; Geoff Hurd
2017 anime study Canaan & Mardock Scramble
Fused transcript of abl and bcr genes in chronic myelogenous leukaemia
Global and Hox-Specific Roles for the MLL1 Methyltransferase
Autophagic and tumour suppressor activity of a novel Beclin1-binding protein UVRAG.