CandelabrumCandelabrumCandelabrumActive Hanukkah candelabrumThe candelabrum cell: a new interneuron in the cerebellar cortex.The Cylindrocladium candelabrum Species Complex Includes Four Distinct Mating PopulationsRapid in vitro propagation of medicinally important Ceropegia candelabrumCANDLE, A CANDLE HOLDER, A CANDLE HOLDING SOCKET, A CANDELABRUM AND A METHOD OF MAKING A CANDLELong prereproductive selection and divergence by depth in a Caribbean candelabrum coralIn vitro propagation of the rare medicinal plant Ceropegia candelabrum L. through somatic embryogenesisGrazing, differential size-class dynamics and survival of the Mediterranean sponge Corticium candelabrumReproductive output in a Mediterranean population of the homosclerophorid Corticium candelabrum (Porifera, Demospongiae), with notes...Reproductive output in a Mediterranean population of the homosclerophorid Corticium candelabrum (Porifera, Demospongiae), with note...