Canopus — A groundAll-sky imaging within the Canadian CANOPUS and NORSTAR projectsRambling Through the Skies: Canopus's long legacy of nautical and celestial navigationK-Ar and Rb-Sr Geochronology of the Canopus Pluton, Hudson Highlands, New YorkCanopus — A ground-based instrument array for remote sensing the high latitude ionosphere during the ISTP/GGS programThe topography and excavation of Heracleion-Thonis and East Canopus (1996-2006)Dynamics of the substorm growth phase as observed using CANOPUS and SuperDARN instrumentsPc5 field line resonance frequencies and structure observed by SuperDARN and CANOPUSProvenance of marble sculptures and artifacts from the so-called Canopus and other buildings of “Villa Adriana” (Hadrian's villa ...Association between Geotail plasma flows and auroral poleward boundary intensifications observed by CANOPUS photometers