CantharidesCantharidesCantharidesPoisoning by cantharides.Does cantharides blister fluid provide access to the peripheral compartment?A fatality due to the use of cantharides from Mylabris phalerata as an abortifacientDigoxin concentrations in serum and cantharides blister fluid: Correlations with cardiac responsePlasma, cantharides blister fluid, and suction blister fluid levels of ceftizoxime after single intramuscular application for gonorr...Effect and mechanism of Cantharides vesiculation moxibustion on hematopoietic function in mice treated with cyclophosphamidePost-mortem serum concentration of cantharidin in a fatal case of cantharides poisoning.Direct assessment of peripheral pharmacokinetics in humans: Comparison between cantharides...Correlations between theophylline concentrations in plasma, erythrocytes and cantharides-induced blister fluid and peak expiratory f...Direct assessment of peripheral pharmacokinetics in humans: comparison between cantharides blister fluid sampling, in vivo microdial...