cantilever beam悬臂梁
cantilever crane悬臂吊车
- The idea of cantilever construction is ancient in the Orient.
Short cantilevers for atomic force microscopyQuality factors in micron- and submicron-thick cantileversCalibration of Rectangular Atomic Force Microscope CantileversMethod for the calibration of atomic force microscope cantileversUltra-sensitive NEMS-based cantilevers for sensing, scanned probe and very high-frequency applicationsThermal and ambient‐induced deflections of scanning force microscope cantileversFrequency modulation detection using high-Q cantilevers for enhanced force microscope sensitivity. J Appl Phys 69:668Vibrations of free and surface‐coupled atomic force microscope cantilevers: Theory and experimentA nondestructive method for determining the spring constant of cantilevers for scanning force microscopyParallel atomic force microscopy using cantilevers with integrated piezoresistive sensors and integrated piezoelectric actuators