- It has its advantages and disadvantages in using arrear business.How to use this way to sell out the product?How to accelerate the capital turnover?
Capital Turnover
Differential Environmental Regulation: Effects on Electric Utility Capital Turnover and Emissions
Capital Turnover and Marketable Pollution Rights
Specific Capital, Adverse Selection, and Turnover: A Comparison of the United States and Japan
The Impact of Workplace Ostracism on Turnover Intention of New-generation Migrant Workers:The Moderating Effect of Psychological Cap...
Linking Positive Emotions to Work Well-Being and Turnover Intention Among Hong Kong Police Officers: The Role of Psychological Capital
Specific Capital, Bargaining, and Labor Turnover
Capital Turnover and Marketable Property Rights
Money, Capital Turnover, and the Leisure Class: Thorstein Veblen’s Tips for a Monetary Theory of Production
A New Framework for Macroeconomics: Achieving Full Employment by Increasing Capital Turnover