- Cappuccino is my key to beautiful English!
卡布其诺是我开启漂亮英语之门的钥匙! - The cinnamon some of us dash in our cappuccino today was once used by ancient Egyptians to embalm the dead.
A prospective, randomized, multicenter Food and Drug Administration investigational device exemptions study of lumbar total disc rep...
Novel chemistry of invasive exotic plants
Microbiology, a laboratory manual
The effect of spinal destabilization and instrumentation on lumbar intradiscal pressure: an in vitro biomechanical analysis.
Population dynamics : new approaches and synthesis
Herbivory, time since introduction and the invasiveness of exotic plants
Patterns in Population Change and the Organization of the Insect Community Associated with Goldenrod
Clinical experience with the new artificial cervical PCM (Cervitech) disc.
The effects of spinal fixation and destabilization on the biomechanical and histologic properties of spinal ligaments. An in vivo st...
Coping with a Capricious Environment: A Population Study of a Rare Pierid Butterfly