A capsulate Staphylococcus aureusInteraction of capsulate Haemophilus influenzae with human airway mucosa in vitro.Identifying non-capsulate strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae isolated from eyes.Virulent non-capsulate Yersinia pestis variants constructed by insertion mutagenesis.Phagocytic and serum killing of capsulate and non-capsulate Bacteroides fragilisSeparation of capsulate and non-capsulate Bacteroides fragilis on a discontinuous density gradient.The growth and survival of capsulate and non-capsulate Bacteroides fragilis in vivo and in vitro.Variation in length and sequence of porin ( ompP2 ) alleles of non-capsulate Haemophilus influenzaeCryptotrichosporon anacardii gen. nov., sp. nov., a new trichosporonoid capsulate basidiomycetous yeast from Nigeria that is able to...Resistance to serum killing may contribute to differences in the abilities of capsulate and non-capsulated isolates of lactococcus g...