- Here is Liv with her own designed cashmere cape cardigan for Lutz & Patmos!
这是一张丽芙和她自己设计的开襟羊毛衫的图片! - Wearing snug jeans, a white shirt, gray cardigan and platform sandals, she looks like any familiar city girl.
Microparticle sizing by dynamic light scattering in fresh-frozen plasma.Methylene blue-treated FFP: what is its contribution to blood safetyMethylene blue‐treated fresh‐frozen plasma: what is its contribution to blood safety?The effect of methylene blue photoinactivation and methylene blue removal on the quality of fresh‐frozen plasmaThe use of exclusive enteral nutrition for induction of remission in children with Crohn's disease demonstrates that disease phenoty...BLOOD COMPONENTS: Red blood cell hemolysis during blood bank storage: using national quality management data to answer basic scienti...Current methods of assessing platelet function: relevance to transfusion medicineThe quality of platelets after storage for 7 daysStorage of platelets in additive solutions: a multicentre study of the in vitro effects of potassium and magnesium.The quality of fresh-frozen plasma produced from whole blood stored at 4 degrees C overnight.