- A gang of bandits pirated the cargo ship.
一帮土匪抢劫了那艘货船。 - We do hope you can charter a container ship as soon as possible.
Cargo ship
Cargo ship
Cargo ship
Cargo ships routing and scheduling: Survey of models and problems
The complex network of global cargo ship movements
Radiated noise characteristics of a modern cargo ship
Fuzzy model reference learning control for cargo ship steering
Fuzzy model reference learning control for cargo ship steering
An interactive optimization system for bulk-cargo ship scheduling
The complex network of global cargo ship movements. J R Soc Interface 7:1093-1103
Analysis of resistance increase in waves of a fast cargo ship
International dissemination of epidemic Vibrio cholerae by cargo ship ballast and other nonpotable waters.
A Simple Prediction Formula of Roll Damping of Conventional Cargo Ships on the Basis of Ikeda’s Method and Its Limitation