- The crew of that foreign freighter was fully hired on.
那艘外国货船的船员已全部雇齐。 - A new-type ocean-going freighter is being laid down at that shipyard.
一艘新型的远洋货轮正在那家船厂建造。 - This heavy freighter is driven by two electric motors.
这辆重型运输汽车是由两台电动机驱动的。 - The increase of freighter brings tremendous operating pressure.
Next-generation freighter
Freighter operators' choice of airport: a three‐stage process
Medium Range Scheduling for Freighter Fleet
The geography of freighter aircraft operations in the Pacific Basin
Acute Phosphine Poisoning Aboard a Grain Freighter
Boeing starts building its long-range 777 Freighter in Seattle
Cruising, freighter-style: a phenomenological exploration of tourist recollections of a passenger freighter travel experience.
Acute phosphine poisoning aboard a grain freighter. Epidemiologie, clinic, and pathological findings.
Industrial Democracy at Sea: Authority and Democracy on a Norwegian Freighter by Robert Schrank
Spring Distribution and Abundance of Larval Fishes in the St. Marys River, With a Note on Potential Effects of Freighter Traffic on ...