Carbon dioxide excretion in the land crab (Cardisoma carnifex)Peptides in the sinus gland of Cardisoma carnifex : isolation and amino acid analysisOxygen and carbon dioxide exchange during exercise in the land crab (Cardisoma carnifex)Corticosterone during the annual reproductive cycle and in sexual behavior in the crested newt, Triturus carnifexEstimating the weight of the Pleistocene marsupial lion, Thylacoleo carnifex (Thylacoleonidae:Marsupialia): implications for the eco...Organization of tyrosine-hydroxylase immunopositive neurons in the brain of the crested newt, Triturus cristatus carnifex.The distribution of GABA-like-immunoreactive neurons in the brain of the newt, Triturus cristatus carnifex, and the green frog, Rana...Haemolymph gas transport, acid‐base regulation, and anaerobic metabolism during exercise in the land crab (Cardisoma carnifex)Haemolymph gas transport, acid-base regulation, and anaerobic metabolism during exercise in the land crab (Cardisoma carnifex) (p&nb...Delineation of terrestrial reserves for amphibians: post-breeding migrations of Italian crested newts ( Triturus c. carnifex ) at hi...