Mangrove zooplankton of North Queensland, Australia
Copepod omnivory in the North Water Polynya (Baffin Bay) during autumn: spatial patterns in lipid composition
Diel grazing patterns of all ontogenetic stages of Euphausia lucens and in situ predation rates on copepods in the southern Benguela...
Morphology of the prometamorphic larva of the spadefoot toad, Scaphiopus intermontanus (Anura: Pelobatidae), with an emphasis on the...
Tracing the biosynthetic source of essential amino acids in marine turtles using delta13C fingerprints.
A New Asymmetrical Near-bottom Calanoid Copepod, Paramisophria platysoma, with Observations of Its Integumental Organs, Behavior and...
A critique of current cladistics
Egg surface morphology of Dialommus fuscus Gilbert (Pisces: Labrisomidae)
Article #4265
非対称の体を持つ近底層カラヌス目カイアシ類の1新種Paramisophria platysomaの記載及びその皮殻器官,行動,天然餌料