cartesian coordinate[数学]笛卡尔坐标
cartesian coordinate system笛卡儿坐标系统
cartesian product笛卡儿积
cartesian space直角坐标空间;欧几里得空间;笛卡儿空间
- The Cartesian perspective assumes that knowledge is a kind of substance and that pedagogy concerns the best way to transfer this substance from teachers to students.
笛卡尔的观点假设知识是一种物质,并认为教育学关注的最好方法,以把这种物质由老师转移给学生。 - One must observe equally the relativity of Cartesianism and the absolute character of the Cartesian commitment.
- Cross joins are also called Cartesian products.
交叉联接也称作笛卡尔积。 - It is the Cartesian product between the specified tables.
Cartesian Genetic Programming
Cartesian Genetic Programming
Cartesian genetic programming
GECCO 2011 tutorial: cartesian genetic programming
GECCO 2011 tutorial: cartesian genetic programming
Active stiffness control of a manipulator in cartesian coordinates
An Accurate Cartesian Grid Method for Viscous Incompressible Flows with Complex Immersed Boundaries
Integral Histogram: A Fast Way To Extract Histograms in Cartesian Spaces
Numerical integration of the cartesian equations of motion of a system with constraints: molecular dynamics of n -alkanes
Erratum to: “An Oceanic general circulation model framed in hybrid isopycnic-Cartesian coordinates” [Ocean Modelling 4 (2002) 55–...