Caryota cmingji菲岛鱼尾葵
Caryota Linn鱼尾葵属
Caryota Sp尾状羽棕
Caryota monostachya单穗鱼尾葵
Caryota nitis短尾鱼尾葵
Caryota ochlandar还危害假槟榔
Caryota urens 董棕 ; 槿棕 ; 孔雀椰子 ; 酒鱼尾葵
Caryota ochlandra鱼尾葵
Caryota mitis 短穗鱼尾葵 ; 孔雀椰子 ; 小乔大灌短穗鱼尾葵 ; 鱼尾葵
Antioxidant activity of Caryota urens L. (Kithul) sap.Effects of Caryota mitis profilin-loaded PLGA nanoparticles in a murine model of allergic asthma.Analysis of in vitro antioxidant activity of Caryota urens L. leaves:A traditional natural remedyMolecular systematics and biogeography of the southeast Asian genus Caryota (Palmae).Structure characterization of proanthocyanidins from Caryota ochlandra Hance and their bioactivities.Examination of the itch response from the raphides of the fishtail palm Caryota mitisChemical constituents, invitro antioxidant and antimicrobial potential of Caryota urens LQUANTTITATIVE ESTIMATION OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY METABOLITES ON FLOWERS OF CARYOTA URENS.LCloning,Expression and Immunocharacterization of Panallergen Profilin from Caryota mitis PollenEvaluation of the biosorption potential of a novel Caryota urens inflorescence waste biomass for the removal of hexavalent chromium...