- As a welfare client I'm expected to bow before the caseworker.
作为一名福利救济者,我只好在社会工作者面前卑躬屈膝。 - If a resident does not have a job, a caseworker tries to help him get one.
Caseworker judgments and substantiation.Caseworker-perceived caregiver substance abuse and child protective services outcomes.Investigating the effects of caseworker characteristics in child welfareCaseworker assessments of risk for recurrent maltreatment: association with case-specific risk factors and re-reportsA Caseworker Like Me – Does The Similarity Between The Unemployed and Their Caseworkers Increase Job Placements? *An exploratory survey of foster mother and caseworker attitudes about sibling placement.Welfare Recipient Views About Caseworker Performance: Lessons for Developing TANF Case Management PracticesRCT of a client-centred, caseworker-delivered smoking cessation intervention for a socially disadvantaged population.The effects of the ARC organizational intervention on caseworker turnover, climate, and culture in children's service systems.National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being, No. 6: How Do Caseworker Judgments Predict Substantiation of Child Maltreatment...