- Petrov was impressed with the Catalan's display.
彼得罗夫对加泰罗尼亚人的表现非常深刻。 - Few thought the Catalan could top that moment - but just a few short weeks later he was at it again on one of the greatest nights ever witnessed in Anfield's history.
Generating trees and the Catalan and Schröder numbers
Generating trees and the Catalan and Schro¨der numbers
Using the EuroQol 5-D in the Catalan General Population: Feasibility and Construct Validity
Physics and Applications of Bismuth Ferrite - Catalan - 2009 - Advanced Materials - Wiley Online Library
Analysis of the structure of decapod crustacean assemblages off the Catalan coast (North-West Mediterranean)
Spatial differences in bacterioplankton composition along the Catalan coast (NW Mediterranean) assessed by molecular fingerprinting
Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of spotted fever group Rickettsiae isolated from Catalan Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks.
Land Use and Land Cover Change after Agricultural Abandonment: The Case of a Mediterranean Mountain Area (Catalan Pre-Pyrenees)
Human Exposure to Perfluorinated Chemicals through the Diet: Intake of Perfluorinated Compounds in Foods from the Catalan (Spain) Ma...
Upper gastrointestinal bleeding in relation to previous use of analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Catalan Countri...