- We need a new slogan. The old one's not catchy enough.
我们需要新的口号,旧的不够吸引人。 - He would have to think up some more catchy names for these designs.
他必须为这些艺术作品想出几个更吸引人的名字。 - It's not a very catchy name, is it?
它是很难记住的名字,是吧? - The melodies are catchy, fun to sing.
Seven Catchy Phrases for Computational Creativity Research
''Catchy, clever titles are not acceptable'': Style, APA, and qualitative reporting
Measurement-Driven Instruction: Catchy Phrase, Dangerous Practice
Hooked: A Game for Discovering What Makes Music Catchy
ICWSM - A Great Catchy Name: Semi-Supervised Recognition of Sarcastic Sentences in Online Product Reviews
Molecular basis of the catch state in molluscan smooth muscles: a catchy challenge
The misconception of ecosystem disservices: How a catchy term may yield the wrong messages for science and society
The multi-faceted behavior of nitric oxide in vascular "inflammation": catchy terminology or true phenomenon?
HERE'S PLAN C... ; with Plan B as His Mentor and an Equally Catchy Name, Rapper Turned Soul Singer Maverick Sabre Is a Voice to Be R...