- I propose Mary Cavy as a candidate for the presidency.
Genetic studies on a cavy species crossPlacentation in the rock cavy, Kerodon rupestris (Wied).Ecology and Social Behavior of the Desert Cavy (Microcavia australis)Occurrence of an unidentified substance during anaphylactic shock in cavy lung.Female choice in a promiscuous wild guinea pig, the yellow-toothed cavy ( Galea musteloides )Population Dynamics and Conservation Status of the Insular Cavy Cavia intermedia (Rodentia: Caviidae)Nest and Space Use in a Highland Population of the Southern Mountain Cavy (Microcavia australis)Reproductive Success of Males in the Promiscuous-Mating Yellow-Toothed Cavy (Galea musteloides)Where have all the cavies gone? Causes and consequences of predation by the minor grison on a wild cavy populationSpacing behaviour and its implications for the mating system of a precocial small mammal: an almost asocial cavy Cavia magna ?