Calcium absorption from a new calcium delivery system (CCM)Determination of knee joint cartilage thickness using three-dimensional magnetic resonance chondro-crassometry (3D MR-CCM).SP 800-38C. Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: the CCM Mode for Authentication and ConfidentialityValidity of information on comorbidity derived rom ICD-9-CCM administrative data.Counter with CBC-MAC (CCM)Advances in understanding the cyanobacterial CO2-concentrating-mechanism (CCM): functional components, Ci transporters, diversity, g...Magnetic resonance chondro‐crassometry (MR CCM): A method for accurate determination of articular cartilace thickness?A pseudo-CCM/DCM SIMO switching converter with freewheel switchingA pseudo-CCM/DCM SIMO switching converter with freewheel switchingComparison between CCM single-stage and two-stage boost PFC converters