Exploration and development of Ceiba Field, Rio Muni Basin, Southern Equatorial GuineaMinor Parasitism in Pollination Biology and Its Community Function: The Case of Ceiba acuminataAltitudinal range shift detected through seedling survival of Ceiba aesculifolia in an area under the influence of an urban heat isl...Effect of forest fragmentation on fruit and seed predation of the tropical dry forest tree Ceiba aesculifoliaIn situ Management and Patterns of Morphological Variation of Ceiba aesculifolia subsp. parvifolia (Bombacaceae) in the Tehuacán-Cu...Use forms, management and commercialization of “pochote” Ceiba aesculifolia (H.B. & K.) Britten & Baker f. subsp. parvifolia (Rose...Effects of Forest Fragmentation on Phenological Patterns and Reproductive Success of the Tropical Dry Forest Tree Ceiba aesculifoliaProduction and comparative fuel properties of biodiesel from non-edible oils: Jatropha curcas , Sterculia foetida and Ceiba pentandraEffects of Self-, Chase and Mixed Self/Cross-pollinations on Pistil Longevity and Fruit Set in Ceiba Species (Bombacaceae) with Late...Long-term effects of habitat fragmentation on mating patterns and gene flow of a tropical dry forest tree, Ceiba aesculifolia (Malva...