Pollination biology in Bombax ceiba Linn.Antiangiogenic activity of lupeol from Bombax ceiba.Essai de monographie du genre Bombax s.l. (Bombacaceae) (Suite)Hypotensive activity and toxicology of constituents from Bombax ceiba stem bark.Study on extraction and characterization of red pigment from bombax malabaricumDENDROECOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF CORDIA ALLIODORA, PSEUDOBOMBAX SEPTENATUM AND ANNONA SPRAGUE1 IN CENTRAL PANAMAAntisickling activity of anthocyanins from Bombax pentadrum, Ficus capensis and Ziziphus mucronata: photodegradation effect.Hypotensive, hypoglycaemic and toxicological studies on the flavonol C-glycoside shamimin from Bombax ceibaEl Nectar y el Polen como Recursos: El Papel Ecologico de los Visitantes a las Flores de Pseudobombax ellipticum (H.B.K.) DugandHigh Outbreeding as a Consequence of Selfed Ovule Mortality and Single Vector Bat Pollination in the Amazonian TreePseudobombax mung...