用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- board a ceiling用木板做天花板
- hit the ceiling发怒
- lift the ceiling取消限价
- lower a ceiling降低最高限额
- maintain the ceilings维持各种限价
- place a ceiling规定(价格)最高限额
- raise a ceiling提高最高限额
- set new ceilings确定各种新的限价
- take the ceiling off取消限价
- whitewash the ceiling把天花板刷白
形容词+~- high ceiling高的天花板;高的最高限额
- low ceiling低的天花板;低的最高限额
名词+~- price ceiling最高限价
- production ceiling生产最高限度
介词+~- in the ceiling在天花板上
- on the ceiling在天花板上
glass ceiling玻璃天花板;玻璃顶棚
ceiling lamp吊灯;顶灯;天花灯
suspended ceiling吊车,吊顶;垂吊式天花板
ceiling fan吊(式)风扇;天花风扇
ceiling board天花板,盖板;舱内衬板
hit the ceiling勃然大怒
ceiling height室内净高;楼底高度;上升限度
ceiling light舱顶灯;吊灯;天棚灯;[气象]测云幂光
price ceiling最高价,价格上限
ceiling price最高限价
ceiling panel顶棚镶板;平顶镶板;舱底板格
- He cracked his nut on the ceiling.
他的头让天花板碰破了。 - The low ceiling of the room gave me a feeling of oppression.
低矮的屋顶给我一种压抑的感觉。 - It took more or less a whole day to paint the ceiling.
粉刷天花板用了将近一整天的时间。 - This ceiling has a carved panel.
这块天花板带有刻花镶板。 - My bedroom is a large room with a high ceiling.
我的卧室是一个天花板很高的大房间。 - We need to set a ceiling on the price of corn.
我们得给玉米价格设个上限。 - The management had set a ceiling for the rate of payrises that year.
那一年,管理层对工资的增长率设定了一个上限。 - The government has set a wages and prices ceiling of 10%.
A floor and ceiling model of US output
Natural Selection and a Cost Ceiling on Reproductive Effort
Basement membrane proteoglycans: from cellar to ceiling
Ceiling of stimulus induced rises in extracellular potassium concentration in the cerebral cortex of cat.
An Experimental Test for a Ceiling on Sustained Metabolic Rate in Lactating Mice
The priority ceiling protocol: A method for minimizing the blocking of high priority Ada tasks
High-tech in radiation oncology: should there be a ceiling?
Energy savings potential of chilled-ceiling combined with desiccant cooling in hot and humid climates
Functional Measures After Traumatic Brain Injury: Ceiling Effects of FIM, FIM+FAM, DRS, and CIQ
Affinity Dependence of the B Cell Response to Antigen: A Threshold, a Ceiling, and the Importance of Off-Rate