- Pilate came outside to meet the Jews who took Jesus there, because they would have been defiled, rendered ceremonially unclean, had they set foot in the Roman palace.
彼拉多到外面去与把耶稣带来的犹太人见了面,因为它们已经被染污了,呈现出仪式上的不洁,但他们踏进了罗马人的宫殿。 - As for other meat, anyone ceremonially clean may eat it.
SANGORACHE, an Amaranth Used Ceremonially in Ecuador
Ceremonially and Ritually Associated Archaeofaunal Remains from Two Sites Near Wide Ruins, Arizona
1000th Molins Mark 9 Cigarette Maker Ceremonially Purchased, Jujuy Cooperativa Creates World Market for Argentine Flue-Cured
Maoist child soldiers were ceremonially released from camps in Nepal.(Worth Noting)(Brief article)
McDonnell Ceremonially Signs Roads Bill (Posted 2013-05-14 15:36:46) ; More Than 100 Gather for Signing Ceremony on Steps of Capitol
Lord Stewards' batons and similar batons in the 19th century, used functionally, ceremonially and representatively
New ITUM premises at Diyagama, Homagama ceremonially dedicated to the nation's student community
Word from the Mother: Language and African Americans (review)
Without Treaty, Without Conquest: Indigenous Sovereignty in Post- Delgamuukw British Columbia