Bark anatomy of Quercus cerris L. var. cerris from TurkeyPlant community Quercetum farnetto-cerris scardicum Krasn. 1968 at Lipovica near Priština.The chemical composition of cork and phloem in the rhytidome of Quercus cerris barkFungal endophytic communities in healthy and declining Quercus robur L. and Q. cerris L. trees in northern Italy.Water stress: A predisposing factor in the pathogenesis of Hypoxylon mediterraneum on Quercus cerrisRELATIONS BETWEEN VULNERABILITY TO XYLEM EMBOLISM AND XYLEM CONDUIT DIMENSIONS IN YOUNG TREES OF QUERCUS CERRISPalaearctic oak gallwasps galling oaks (Quercus) in the section Cerris: re-appraisal of generic limits, with descriptions of new gen...Comparison of sap flow, cavitation and water status of Quercus petraea and Quercus cerris trees with special reference to computer ...Climate change and oak growth decline: dendroecology and stand productivity of a Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) old stored coppice i...In situ estimation of net CO2 assimilation, photosynthetic electron flow and photorespiration in Turkey oak (Q. cerris L.) leaves: d...