On a cerusite twin from the mammoth mine, Pinal County, ArizonaMineralogical notes on cerusite, calamine, and zirconCerusite twins from the Begona Mine, Cerro de San Pedro, San Luis Potosi, MexicoSulfidizing Flotation Tests of Cerusite and LimoniteOn Flotation Performance of Cerusite in Xanthate SystemOn the Sorption of 8-Hydroxyquinoline by CerusiteThe Research on Flotation Performance of Cerusite in Xanthate SystemL'etude des spectres de Raman de l'aragonite et de la cerusiteThe lead recovery from galene-quartz and cerusite-quartz or calcite with 8-hidroxyquinoline mixturesContributions to economic geology, 1913, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Some cerusite deposits in Custer County, Colorado