Chalaza clipping toolChalaza clipping toolMechanism of chalaza formation in quail eggsThe Nucellus and Chalaza in monocotyledons: Structure and systematicsLarge-scale preparation of sialic acid from chalaza and egg-yolk membrane.Studies on the Characterization of Ovomucin and Chalaza of the Hen's EggDevelopment of tannin vacuoles in chalaza and seed coat of barley in relation to early chalazal necrosis in the seg1 mutantSeed anatomy of Artabotrys odoratissimus with a discussion on chalaza, integumentary bundles and ruminate endospermThe Arabidopsis thaliana response regulator ARR22 is a putative AHP phospho-histidine phosphatase expressed in the chalaza of develo...The DAISY gene from Arabidopsis encodes a fatty acid elongase condensing enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of aliphatic suberin in...