tap changer抽头转换开关;分接头变换器
frequency changer[物]变频器
speed changer变速器
money changer n. 货币兑换商;钱币兑换器;银行家;金融家
- Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men.
Cognitive and physiological process in fear appeals and attitudes changer : A revised theory of protection motivation
Global warming: Evidence for asymmetric diurnal temperature change
Compact disc changer utilizing disc database
GeneXpert—A Game-Changer for Tuberculosis Control?
Optimisation of a resonance changer to minimise the vibration transmission in marine vessels
Irradiation chamber and sample changer for biological samples
Analysis of tap-changer dynamics and construction of voltage stability regions
An Adjustable Wave-Guide Phase Changer
El Nino: The climate changer
Changer de modèle de croissance Mais quel modèle ?