'This changeableness in character': Exploring masculinity and nationhood on James Boswell's grand tourThe Changeableness of Subnational Constitutions: A Qualitative Comparative AnalysisChangeableness of selected characteristics of the head in the Rzeszów children and adolescents aged 4 to 18 in during a 35-year per...The Developing from Fixedness to Changeableness of Gongchepu NotationVELOCITY CHANGEABLENESS CONSTRUCTION OF HYBRID INDUCTION MOTORZonal changeableness of soils of the North CaucusesSpontaneous and Induced Changeableness and Accumulation of Phenol Compounds in Cell Culture of Alhagi kirghisorumPrognostic models of cereal productivity with due regard for changeableness of culture conditionsChangeableness of some properties of potatoes obtained from microtuber plants[Analysis of wind changeableness of saint-Louis during cold frequencies December 1989-May 1990]. [French]