The Role of Metal Ion Dopants in Quantum-Sized TiO2: Correlation between Photoreactivity and Charge Carrier Recombination Dynamics
Liquid-crystalline semiconducting polymers with high charge-carrier mobility.
Charge Carrier Transporting Molecular Materials and Their Applications in Devices
Unified description of charge-carrier mobilities in disordered semiconducting polymers.
ChemInform Abstract: Charge Carrier Trapping and Recombination Dynamics in Small Semiconductor Particles
Charge carrier formation in polythiophene/fullerene blend films studied by transient absorption spectroscopy.
Close look at charge carrier injection in polymer field-effect transistors
Functional metallophosphors for effective charge carrier injection/transport: new robust OLED materials with emerging applications
Towards high charge-carrier mobilities by rational design of the shape and periphery of discotics