- The chauffeur is employed by the rich man.
这个司机受雇于那个富人。 - He put a car and chauffeur at the visitor's service.
- He chauffeured us to the airport.
他开车送我们去机场。 - I spent most of the day chauffeuring the kids around.
BOOKING A CHAUFFEURED VEHICLEThe homicidal chauffeur: a differential gameA cooperative homicidal chauffeur gameA cooperative Homicidal Chauffeur game ☆Brief paper: A cooperative Homicidal Chauffeur gameGender Differences in Chauffeuring Children among Dual-Earner FamiliesChauffeured versus End User Access to Commerical Databases: The Effects of Task and Individual DifferencesCHAUFFEUR Assistant: a driver assistance system for commercial vehicles based on fusion of advanced ACC and lane keepingLa représentation de l'espace urbain : l'exemple du chauffeur de taxiBee Venom Phospholipase A2, a Good “Chauffeur” for Delivering Tumor Antigen to the MHC I and MHC II Peptide-Loading Comp...