A role for Cdc42 in macrophage chemotaxis.A user's guide to PDE models for chemotaxisChemotaxis of primitive hematopoietic cells in response to stromal cell-derived factor-1.A 48-well micro chemotaxis assembly for rapid and accurate measurement of leukocyte migrationRobust perfect adaptation in bacterial chemotaxis through integral feedback controlA G-protein-coupled receptor for leukotriene B4 that mediates chemotaxisDoyle J: Robust perfect adaptation in bacterial chemotaxis through integral feedback controlLEUKOCYTE LOCOMOTION AND CHEMOTAXIS : NEW METHODS FOR EVALUATION, AND DEMONSTRATION OF A CELL-DERIVED CHEMOTACTIC FACTORChemotaxis Under Agarose: A New and Simple Method for Measuring Chemotaxis and Spontaneous Migration of Human Polymorphonuclear Leuk...Spatial and Temporal Regulation of 3-Phosphoinositides by PI 3-Kinase and PTEN Mediates Chemotaxis