- Police and paparazzi mobbed the convicted child molester on his arrival in London.
Theory and treatment in child molestation.
The influence of personality and history of sexual victimization in the prediction of juvenile perpetrated child molestation.
Sexual molestation of children. The last frontier in child abuse.
Abortion-clinic arsonist arrested in child-molestation case
Lessons from child abuse: The determinants of parenting.
Initial reliability and validity of a new retrospective measure of child abuse and neglect.
Long-term Effects of Home Visitation on Maternal Life Course and Child Abuse and Neglect: Fifteen-Year Follow-up of a Randomized Trial
Long-term Effects of Home Visitation on Maternal Life Course and Child Abuse and Neglect
TALE OF TWO SONS A switch of babies nine years ago leads to a bitter fight for custody -- and charges of child abuse
The stability of child abuse reports: a longitudinal study of the reporting behaviour of young adults