Droplet configuration control with orange azo dichroic dye in polymer dispersed liquid crystal for advanced electro-optic characteri...Impact of dye on the switching responses of polymer dispersed ferroelectric liquid crystalGiant isolated splenic hydatidosisOrientational control of liquid crystal molecules via carbon nanotubes and dichroic dye in polymer dispersed liquid crystalAMA-VATA HARA (ANTI-RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS) FORMULATIONS OF BHAISHAJYA RATNAVALI: AT A GLANCEDye-dependent studies on droplet pattern and electro-optic behaviour of polymer dispersed liquid crystalPsychosocial effect of common skin diseases.A Study of the Effect of Marital Status, Employment Status and Religion on Psychological Well Being of Hindu and Muslim FemalesPerformance analysis of bi-directional broadband passive optical network using travelling wave semiconductor optical amplifierImaging in Retroperitoneal Hemorrhage