- The choral society sang the new cantata composed by its leader.
该合唱队演唱了他们领队编写的大合唱。 - He helped to accouche choral symphony.
Choral teaching method and system
Choral settings of principal hymns of the Feast of Corpus Christi to 1600
The Evaluation of Teaching in Choral Rehearsals
Turn-Sharing: The Choral Co-Production Of Talk In Interaction
Choral speech: the amelioration of stuttering via imitation and the mirror neuronal system
An Investigation into the Choral Singer's Experience of Music Performance Anxiety
Inducement of fluent speech in persons who stutter via visual choral speech
Cancer stem cells and the tumor microenvironment: soloists or choral singers.
‘I’ll sing with my buddies’ — Fostering the possible selves of male choral singers
Enhanced small group instruction using choral responding and student interaction for children with autism and developmental disabili...