- When I told them what had happened to me, they all chortled with mirth.
Chortling Bard
The Chortling Bard: Caught'ya Grammar with a Giggle for High School Students.
The Chortling Bard: Caught'ya Grammar with a Giggle for High School Students.
Satire of Cape Town 1970s Academia Will Have UCT Chortling
"Breaking up"[At] Phallocracy: Postfeminism's Chortling Hammer
Dayton's Public Senate Scolding Leaves GOP Chortling and DFL Trying to Shrug It Off
O'Reilly Rants At Catholic Bashers While Chortling With Coulter and Her Defaming Jews
If Allen is chortling, it stays within; His opponent Monday is inexperienced, but that is not leading to brash talk.(SPORTS)
The Chortling Bard!: Caught`ya! Grammar with a Giggle for High School: A Method for Teaching Grammar, Mechanics, Usage, Vocabulary, ...
'I Spend My Days Getting Paid to Have a Laugh'; Did Something on TV Last Night Leave You Chortling on Your Sofa? Chances Are It Was ...