The dermal chromatophore unitElectrowetting chromatophoreControl of chromatophore movements in telost fishesUltrastructure of cephalopod chromatophore organsThe structure of fish skin. II. The chromatophore unit.Chromatophore genome sequence of Paulinella sheds light on acquisition of photosynthesis by eukaryotes.CHROMATOPHORE DEVELOPMENT, PITS, AND OTHER FINE STRUCTURE IN THE RED ALGA, LOMENTARIA BAILEYANA (HARV.) FARLOW.Reconstruction of a Kinetic Model of the Chromatophore Vesicles from Rhodobacter sphaeroidesThe ancestor of the Paulinella chromatophore obtained a carboxysomal operon by horizontal gene transfer from a Nitrococcus-like γ-p...Evidence for a correlation between the photoinduced electron transfer and dynamic properties of the chromatophore membranes from Rho...