ChromomereChromomerechromomereThe 87A7 chromomereChromonema and chromomereChromomere analysis of the chromosome complement of rye.Mid-pachytene chromomere maps of human autosomes. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 33: 240-8An examination of the one cistron: one chromomere concept.Complete autosomal chromomere maps of human early and mid/late pachytene spermatocytes.The Individual Gene in Relation to the Chromomere and the Chromosome.Genetic Analysis of Chromomere 3d4 in DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER: The DUNCE and SPERM-AMOTILE Genes.A Replicative and Synthetic Chromosomal Unit-the Modern Concept of the ChromomereThe 87A7 chromomere: Identification of novel chromatin structures flanking the heat shock locus that may define the boundaries of hi...