- The lodge-keeper had a son who was a chum of Master Grossjay's.
小屋看守人有一个儿子。他是克罗斯杰少爷最要好的朋友之一。 - At the banquet table , I had the good fortune to sit vis-a-vis an old school chum.
在宴会桌上,我恰巧坐在一位老同学的对面。 - They are harmless to humans if left alone and will not be attracted to chum.
- They used to chum in with each other in the past.
他们过去关系很好。 - Kenny tried to chum up with his new roommate but was only partially successful.
肯尼想和他的新室友拉交情,但只取得了几分成功。 - He's going to chum with a friend next month instead of having a room to himself.
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