The Eo-Cimmerian (Late? Triassic) orogeny in North IranThe Cimmerian Orogeny in northern Iran: tectono-stratigraphic evidence from the forelandThe Cimmerian accretion of SE Pamir and its relationships with the surrounding Cimmerian blocksThe Cimmerian evolution of the Nakhlak-Anarak area, Central Iran, and its bearing for the reconstruction of the history of the Euras...Latest Jurassic-early Cretaceous events and the ''late Cimmerian unconformity'' in North Sea areaThe Mid-Cimmerian tectonic event (Bajocian) in the Alborz Mountains, Northern Iran: evidence of the break-up unconformity of the Sou...Tectonic environment and geodynamic significance of the Neo-Cimmerian Donqiao ophiolite, Bangong-Nujiang suture zone, TibetJurassic accretionary complex and ophiolite from northeast Turkey: No evidence for the Cimmerian continental ribbonThe Pelagonian Zone in Greece: A Polyphase-Deformed Fragment of the Cimmerian Continent and Its Role in the Geotectonic Evolution of...Geodynamic evolution and palaeogeography of the Polish Carpathians and adjacent areas during Neo-Cimmerian and preceding events (lat...