- Tissue membrane is the retardation cingulum of dust transference in vivo.
组织膜是体内粉尘迁移的隔离阻滞带。 - Howeer, it is unclear whether these abnormalities also impact the cingulum fibers, which connect the medial temporal lobe and the posterior cingulate regions.
Abnormal anterior cingulum in patients with schizophrenia: a diffusion tensor imaging study.
Anterior cingulum abnormalities in male patients with schizophrenia determined through diffusion tensor imaging.
Asymmetry analysis of cingulum based on scale-invariant parameterization by diffusion tensor imaging
Diffusion tensor imaging of cingulum fibers in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer disease.
Microstructural organization of the cingulum tract and the level of default mode functional connectivity
Some observations on the course and composition of the cingulum bundle in the rhesus monkey.
Posterior cingulate cortex atrophy and regional cingulum disruption in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease.
Voxel-based diffusion tensor analysis reveals aberrant anterior cingulum integrity in posttraumatic stress disorder due to terrorism
Effective electroconvulsive therapy reverses glutamate/glutamine deficit in the left anterior cingulum of unipolar depressed patients.
A comparison of the effects of medial prefrontal, cingulate cortex, and cingulum bundle lesions on tests of spatial memory: evidence...