A Novel UWB Circinal Slot Antenna with Band-Notched Characteristics
Evaluation of Circinal Sonobuoy Array on the Efficiency of Searching Submarine
New technique for manufacturing circinal loop chain in large specification in use for mine
Design of PLC Control System of the 20kW Circinal and Ring-shaped Microwave Drier
Efficacy of circinal stapled suture and manual suture in cervical esophagogastric anastomosis in esophageal resection
Safety Measures of Coal Spontaneous Conbustion Prevention for Circinal Stackyard
Design Research of Wholly Close Vibrating Screen of Circinal Motion for Improving Quality of Wood Coal
Application Research of Binary Synchronous Harmomegathus Circinal Welding Device without Lateral Clearance
Experimental measurement on electromagnetic suspending power of circinal conductor in high-frequency circle-current magnetic field
Analytical solution of the perturbed magnetic field induced in an infinite plate by a circinal hole under extension