A METHOD OF AMPLIFICATION OF A CIRCULARISED NUCLEIC ACID PROBEA METHOD OF AMPLIFICATION OF A CIRCULARISED NUCLEIC ACID PROBECONSTRUCT OF RECOMBINANT NUCLEIC ACIDS CIRCULARISED BY DNA COMPACTING AGENTSProcede de detection d'un adn circularise et utilisation de ce procede pour la detection de mutationsProcede de detection d'un adn circularise et utilisation de ce procede pour la detection de mutationsEXPERIENCE DE CONFINEMENT D'UN PLASMA DANS UN PUITS MAGNETIQUE CIRCULARISE : DECA II BCircularised 1 and 2 LTR DNA circles are present in freshly- and chronically-infected cell lines and patient PBMCs, indicating ongoi...Short unligated sticky ends enable the observation of circularised DNA by atomic force and electron microscopies.Influence of Longitudinal FRP Straps on the Behaviour of Circularised and FRP Wrapped Square Hollow RC Concrete SpecimensEntrapment of recombinant plasmids in SeaPlaque agarose plugs and their rapid purification from recircularised vectors