Determinant of cistron specificity in bacterial ribosomes
Determinants of cistron specifity in bacterial ribosomes
phiX174 cistron A protein is a multifunctional enzyme in DNA replication.
Activation of an oncogenic microRNA cistron by provirus integration
Ribosomal ribonucleic acid cistron similarities of phytopathogenic Pseudomonas species.
Retroviral activation of the mir-106a microRNA cistron in T lymphoma.
Nucleotide sequence from the coat protein cistron of R17 bacteriophage RNA.
A 12-cistron Escherichia coli operon (hyf) encoding a putative proton-translocating formate hydrogenlyase system.
Polymorphisms of the 5' leader cistron of the human beta2-adrenergic receptor regulate receptor expression.
Observations on the formation of clones containing araB-lacZ cistron fusions.