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[Prognosis of spontaneous ascitic infection in cirrhotic patients]
Presence of microfilariae of Mansonella ozzardi in ascitic fluid
A device for the fractionation of immune ascitic fluid during the cryo concentration of antibodies
A magmatic geohygrometer: Application to Mount St. Helens and other dacitic magmas
An order-disorder model for omphacitic pyroxenes in the system jadeite-diopsidehedenbergite- acmite, with applications to eclogitic ...
Rare-earth partitioning between hornblende and dacitic liquid and implications for the genesis of trondhjemitic-tonalitic magmas
Micromagnetic, rockmagnetic and mineralogical studies on dacitic pumice from the Pinatubo eruption (1991, Philippines) showing self-...
Validation trial for efficacy of ultrasonographic measurement method to predict ascitic volume using virtual ultrasonography
Structures of the carbohydrate chains of the molecular forms of alpha-1-acid glycoprotein from ascitic fluid of stomach cancer patie...
Tuberculous Peritonitis–Associated Mortality Is High among Patients Waiting for the Results of Mycobacterial Cultures of Ascitic Fl...