- It was difficult to clamber the mountain.
爬上那座大山是困难的。 - Stop clambering over my new furniture.
别在我的新家具上爬来爬去。 - It was easy enough for him to clamber up the gnarled trunk.
- We had a good time of that clamber.
那次攀登让我们很愉快。 - Reaching the crest was a real clamber.
Playground clamber tube
Device to move the legs of a clamber excavator
Transition Countries Clamber Aboard the Business Boom in Western Europe. Upswing masks persistent transition-related problems
Lecturer Flees House Blaze in Just a T-Shirt ; Man Had to Clamber out of a First-Floor Window as Flames and Smoke Filled the Ground ...
The influence of temperature and nitrogen source on growth and nitrogenuptake of two polar-desert species, Saxifraga caespitosa and ...
Germany clambers aboard translational research bandwagon
“Clamber not you up to the casements”: On ghetto views and viewing
Chemistry and Spectroscopy of Interstellar Molecules by Diethard K. Bohme; Eric Herbst; Norio Kaifu; Shuji Saito
The Dog at Clambercrown
Daley's planned exit fans political clamber