- The math exam was a clay pigeon.
数学考试非常容易。 - All the can shoot is a clay pigeon.
Clay pigeonClay pigeonCLAY PIGEONClay Pigeon Shooting AssociationHand launcher for clay pigeonsSoil communities (Acari Oribatida; Hexapoda Collembola) in a clay pigeon shooting rangeThe effects of lead shot deposition on soils and crops at a clay pigeon shooting site in northern EnglandTiming of movement-related decision processes in clay-pigeon shooters as assessed by event-related brain potentials and reaction tim...Lead tolerance in Aporrectodea rosea earthworms from a clay pigeon shooting siteApparatus for the double launching of targets called clay pigeonsClay pigeon launcherClay pigeon target and process for manufacturingHematologic studies in pigs fed clay pigeon targets