Clementine Bistatic Radar ExperimentThe Clementine bistatic radar experiment.The Clementine Mission to the Moon: Scientific OverviewThe Clementine Bistatic Radar Experiment: Evidence for Ice on the MoonTopography of the Moon from the Clementine lidarThe Shape and Internal Structure of the Moon from the Clementine MissionA 70th Degree Lunar Gravity Model (GLGM-2) from Clementine and other tracking dataLunar Fe and Ti abundances: comparison of lunar prospector and clementine dataLunar iron and titanium abundance algorithms based on final processing of Clementine ultraviolet‐visible imagesTransferability of the EST-SSRs developed on Nules clementine (Citrus clementina Hort ex Tan) to other Citrus species and their effe...